I was at an event this weekend, and was overwhelmed by the density of overweight people. Everyone from old folks to kids were showing signs of unhealthy lifestyles and poor eating choices.
This is a pic of a young girl I saw, probably about 14 years old. She was unaware that I snapped her photo, and I didn't include any identifiable information, so I don't feel like I am picking on anyone or being potentially harmful.
This photo is actually flattering, and makes this child look much smaller than she actually was.
The event offered food, drinks, cake, and candy. There were two large bowls of candied nuts close to where I stayed during the time period in which I was on-site. I watched as people grabbed sometimes 4-5 handfuls of candied nuts and ate them with no regard for what they were actually choosing to do. Nuts are high in calories, anyway. Add candy to them, and that's pure decadence. Eating a small handful is okay. I don't think you should deprive yourself of the joys of food. But, eating multiple handfuls of this high calorie treat is not a sound food choice.
There were potato chips prominently placed on the bar where you went to get your drinks.
There was a giant cake.
After everyone ate cake, they opened up a table ("bar") full of candy. People could get a plastic bag and walk along this "candy bar" and just fill it to the brim, as a take away treat. It has Hersey milk chocolate bars, M&M's, etc.... It was stocked beyond belief. I watched how people responded. Most of the overweight people hit the candy bar, immediately. They also STUFFED their bags. They didn't toss in a small sampling of the offerings. They actually filled it up to capacity. The thinner people avoided the bar all together, or they left with a very lightly filled bag.
This "candy bar" was cute. I'll give it that much. It was a "nice to have". But.... it was unnecessary, expensive for the people who payed for it, and also flat out harmful to people's health. Promoting this type of eating and consumption is just a bad idea. It makes it really hard for those who struggle with their weight to resist the temptation. It's like placing a 6 pack or a bottle of pain pills in front of an alcoholic or pill addict. It's not a considerate - or sophisticated - choice.
We have to start being more conscious about promoting healthy eating choices and offering people food that is nourishing of the mind, body, and spirit. Junk food is a quick fix. It is emotional eating, at its best. We really need to start taking these situations more seriously, and start to realize the impact and effects of what we are doing. This is killing people.... Taking lives. It's not something to blow off or dismiss as being silly. Especially when its hurting our children.
When will Americans wake up?
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